Monday, October 12, 2009


Maybe it's the jungle of midterms I have just emerged from. Maybe it's knowing that the work continues this week. Maybe it's just me. But I am finding myself unusually irritated by things today...

1) Grammatical Errors In Test Questions.
HELLO, YOU ARE A COLLEGE PROFESSOR WITH MULTIPLE DEGREES, PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE POSSESSIVE FORM OF "IT" DOES NOT REQUIRE AN APOSTROPHE. I actually think I would have let this slide, except for the fact that I had to look at this horrible abuse of punctuation three times in a row, and in the same question!

2) Distractions During Tests (Aka My Brain).
Hmmm, I probably should have eaten breakfast. My tea is getting cold. I have a date at 4:30 today, hope I don't forget because I didn't write it in my calendar. Probably because I don't know where my calendar is. Did I tell Rachel I would talk to her last night, or tonight? I know exactly what I'm going to dress up as for Kelli's birthday bash: Bridezilla. I just need to get some tulle for a veil though. That sucks, I don't want to spend money. Would anyone I know have something like a veil I could use?

3) Most Loud People.
They are vexatious to the spirit, as someone wise once said.

4) Being Wrong When I Was So Sure I Was Right.
A blow to my good old pride.

5) Cold Hands. Where Are My Awesome Rainbow-Colored Mittens?

1 comment:

  1. "Would anyone I know have something like a veil I could use?"
    How bridely do you want to be? One of the Franciscan Sisters from Steubie related a story once back on their little mission in Iowa on which I first met them when I was a wee lad... This little boy behind her in Mass was fiddling with her veil, which she didn't do anything about because she couldn't think of any way to stop him that wouldn't be less serene than just letting it be, so she just focused on praying and tried not to wonder why he was so fascinated with it, and finally he exclaimed in the middle of one of the silent parts of Mass, "Oh, I get it! It's a pillowcase!"
