Thursday, October 8, 2009

I saw Liz Wilbur!

Liz Wilber came to visit! It was super to see her...we had a really good conversation. Neither of us could believe that we had only been talking for an hour; definitely felt like an hour and a half long conversation. We picked right back up like it had just been yesterday we'd last chatted. I love you Liz!

So, I am super tired right now. Explain THAT to my body...seriously, I got like seven hours of sleep last night, that should be good enough. There is something more or less unpleasant about midterms. Honestly, explain to me the academic benefit of giving students papers and cumulative tests in all their classes....AT THE SAME TIME.

On the upside, I really like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal bars. They are really cinnamony and crunchy. I like things that crunch. But not chips.

Pax, everyone. Jesus Christ has won the victory.

1 comment:

  1. It is a vicious cycle... they had to go through it so they figure we should too.

    Real sign of maturity on their part. Not.
