Monday, November 9, 2009


Today I noticed something about myself. I've noticed this before, but I guess I don't really think anything of it. Well, today I noticed it again.

Whenever I am coming home to my house off campus, and i have a lot of stuff with me, I nearly ALWAYS try to take it all into the house in one trip, no matter how much stuff I have. This usually ends up with me dropping stuff, not being able to pick it back up, dumping things accidentally out of my bags, spilling things, wrestling with keys and car doors a whole lot more than if I just made two trips to split up the stuff. But no.

For example, about 15 minutes ago I walked into my house laden with my XXL capacity adidas bookbag, my gym bag with running shoes tied to the strap, my guitar, my purse, two cookbooks, and a small plastic tupperware. And this is a fairly light night.

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