Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's been/one week since i've blogged on here/

Thank you, Dad, for teaching me how to take care of cars, so that a flat tire is easily handled and not a source of panic! That was Wednesday.

Today was Saturday. After work, and Lord's Day (which was blessed), I went to vigil Mass off campus. After dropping off my sister and her roommate, who accompanied me, I tied up a few loose ends on campus and then headed out. I didn't want to go home, though, and I had a little time to kill before a birthday party/movie night. Also, from nowhere, I found myself being seized by an annoying fit of melancholy. So I sulked around Kroger for a half hour or so, looking at scented candles (which are expensive..) and teddy bears and flowers, and frozen twin packs of little cornish game hens. Those little guys are just so cute. But I really honestly didn't need any more food in my house. I cooked enough food for the whole week just yesterday, successfully using up two of the three bunches of fresh parsely that I found myself with (a story in itself). I did, however, find Quaker Oatmeal Squares on sale for 1.50 a box. Major score.

The movie night turned out to be a film called "Forever Strong", which was about rugby. I actually enjoyed it, although I think it may have been mostly because of the people I was watching it with. I LOVE watching movies with McDevitt because he and I have a very similar sense of humor, and share a fondness for MST3K-style running commentary. Unfortunately, it makes some other people absolutely nuts. I am definitely a talking-while-watching-movies person. I don't take my cinema that seriously folks.  

So, there are many blessings to be grateful for tonight. And there are little things that tweak at my heart from time to time. Welcome to life. 

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